Encouraging Messages that Inspires & Motivate...
I decided to share just a handful of fairly recent messages from among many that I have received in the last 4+ years from some of my readers. All of the messages and comments that I have received vary from positive and some negative; some have been posted to the blog site and others were sent via email.
The negative messages assist me in sharpening the point of what I am implying in my communication and the positive energy of encouragement inspires and motivates me to keep fighting the good fight of faith and truth.
I am sometimes overwhelmed with tears of gratitude and thanksgiving from your positive expressions; for the very simple fact that someone clearly understood and got the message. I sincerely thank you all for reading, sharing and expressing your thoughts with me so eloquently.
Living an authentic life is truly the key to life, love and happiness. Being fearful of
"what the people" family, friends or church folk may say or think of you is certainly not a healthy "religious" way to live out your life.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Samuel Marcus Brown
Mr. Brown,
I find everything you had to say to be really fascinating. You handle what you say with bravery and a sense of integrity. As a gay man, I have gone down some dark roads trying to reconcile myself with my spirituality. I just want to say that I found what you had to say to be inspiring. I have come to realize that if being gay is a sin, it is worse of a sin to lie to yourself and members of the opposite sex, because that is what I think is hurting people more. Lies are not good. Godly people shouldn’t get us to lie to ourselves.
Your findings about the psychology of religion today is spot on. They have turned Christianity into a passionate tirade against homosexuality than an adoration for God. Thanks again for your time and God bless you.
Brent Arnold
Good morning...
Yes, its past 6 a.m.....and I haven't been to sleep all night (long story)....and was just on your blog page. First of all, I have to say thank God for a friend of mine who sent your link to me. I just wanted to also thank you for having the courage to be so fearless and revealing. Sooooooo many of us are having the same struggles. And the struggles come in so many different varieties. I found your blog to be refreshing and confirming. I am going through my own spiritual renewal at the moment and perhaps will share with you at another time. However, in short, I am a Black gay man, about to turn 50 next year (unbelievable) who has known his sexuality all his life....grew up in Evangelism...father an Elder of the church....etc., etc. I am constantly having to fight depressive episodes due to not living a truly authentic life, especially in respect to true intimacy and actually believing that I will ever have a meaningful and fruitful relationship (never even been in love....and almost 50.....pathetic!!! LOL) But I have withdrawn from the church world for some time now, trying to figure out just what I have been doing all this for and why? I feel that God has been bringing certain things across my path, such as Rev. Carlton Pearson's book..and now your blog. Things that are helping me find a clearer road, without all the superfluous church chatter!
Although I do not blog, I have many continuous conversations/discussions going with a handful of close friends who are struggling...that could really be turned into one! I will certainly be forwarding your link to several more people in order to stimulate our dialogue further. I really look forward to your continued submissions.
God Bless,
Elmundo6 said...
Hi. I am new to your site but I love it. Thanks for your blog and your insight. I am a 45 year old black gay man, and I have been affected by the message from the black church on homosexuality. In my life I have felt suicidal and down. For years, I shut myself off from family and friends because I didn't want to get too close to people because I feared they would find out who I really was--a gay man. I've lost a lot of good people being in my life that way. Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. I was not living that abundant life and I'm afraid so many of my gay brothers and sisters are not either. Even now, it's a daily journey. Thank you, man for sharing your story and words with us. It helps more than you know.
I'm go glad u sent this 2 me. I've read thru the 1st part of this and I find it extremely interesting. It's so great 2 me, because some of my thoughts and views R in agreement with the article. I'm glad that articles like this R being written and put out there. There is so much ignorance in the world when it comes 2 Homosexuality. Even though this article may not make a difference 2 someone who firmly believes that Homosexuality is a "choice" , it still may make someone who does believe that way "think" about it. I do know 4 a fact that my twin brother's perception has changed 4 the better. He knows now and understand that I didn't "choose" 2 B this way and he loves and accepts me and now he has gay friends.
Some of them R his frat brothers. (He's a KAPPA) He's teaching his sons tolerance and about diversity and about not being judgmental .
D. Matt
Alicia said...
Long time coming!
It is long overdue, and there should be even more repentance and apologies going on. The way that LGBT are treated is a disgrace and God is not pleased.
There is no TRUE Christian with the LOVE of God in them that can spread hate and intolerance in the name of God. You just won't find a true follower of Christ thinking or acting this way.
There are many gays and lesbians who need to be set free who are also Preachers as well but have to hide in closets. They should not have to hide, I can't imagine how frustrating that must be.
Honestly, I am somewhat glad this scandal hit with Eddie Long, I say that because enough is enough of hiding and condemning and trying to 'change' a someones sexual identity when you yourself are the very thing you preach against.
I pray God uses all of these things for a NEW BEGINNING in the Christian world, it is overdue.
Thanks for posting this, love ya my brother!
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